Joe Teale’s tricycle challenge for Headway Gloucestershire
Due to Covid-19, many charities are struggling with funding and Joe wanted to do something to help Headway Gloucestershire. Joe and his brother John set the challenge of completing a ride on Joe’s specialised exercise tricycle to raise money to support Headway Gloucestershire.

As a result of a road traffic accident when he was 19 Joe has severe physical disabilities and a traumatic brain injury, but he wasn’t going to let that hold him back. He set his goal for 5km. Joe had never ridden more than 1km at a time so with the support of his family, carers & friends he started training, going a bit further each time.
The goal was to make it Kingsholm stadium and back, but when Joe’s brother mapped out the route, he realised that it would be further than their 5km target. When asked if he felt like he could go further Joe said yes, so they upped the target to around 7km.
On Friday 22nd May, dressed in his amazing ‘funky Friday’ clothes, Joe successfully completed a 7.23km trike ride, smashing his original target and raising over £1000 for Headway Gloucestershire.

To donate and show your support please check out Joe’s Go Fund Me page:
On behalf of the Headway Community we’re saying a BIG thank you to Joe and John, and the whole family for being the kind of people who choose to support others when times are tough. We think you are awesome!! The money raised will be invested in an outdoor gazebo and furniture to help us to safely offer one to one contact for all the members of our community during the COVID 19 crisis. We can’t wait to see what Joe will wear to the official gazebo opening.