Enablement Centre


fim day 002

Our Enablement Service is centre based and open every weekday offering activities that focus on the five elements of rehabilitation:

  • emotional functioning
  • cognitive functioning
  • learning
  • social interaction and behaviour

This takes the form of a structured timetable so that survivors can select the activities that help them work towards their goals. We work one to one and also employ a group format to harness the unique recovery benefits of peer contact and support.

We understand the common challenges that people face after brain injury.  Our activities are designed to maximise autonomy, physical ability and independence.

We offer a stepped programme to enable survivors to select activities to work towards the goals they have identified for themselves under the following themes:

  • Independent living skills
  • Managing change
  • Learning skills and building confidence
  • Linking with your community


Our activities are designed to maximise autonomy, physical ability and independence and include:-

  • Communication group work
  • Relaxation / Managing Anxiety
  • Woodwork
  • Arts, crafts and pottery
  • Upper limb workout
  • Tai Chi
  • Food  preparation skills
  • Cognitive activity groups
  • Confidence building
  • Multi media skills