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Volunteering for NCS graduates

Volunteering opportunities available for NCS graduates Headway Gloucestershire is lucky to have a fantastic team of volunteers working with us and NCS graduates are welcome to apply to join the team. As part of your role within the Enablement Centre you will support survivors to engage in practical, therapeutic and creative activities designed to help […]

Personal Story

May 2011 I had a frontal lobe head injury which resulted in damage to the brain. Unfortunately a small wedge at the front of my brain had a bleed which has left me with lasting affects. I have since suffered from epilepsy and short-term memory problems. If I become overtired I can struggle with word […]

Andrew Vincent – My Story

Headway helped me find the light switch in my head. A stroke in 2008 left me with behavioural problems which threatened both the relationships in my life and my career.  Headway provided the post-stroke care and support which isn’t available from the NHS in Gloucestershire.  The charity told me one important fact:  I wasn’t mad, […]

Jay’s Tandem Parachute Challenge

I am a 28 year old bloke.  I am a survivor of a severe head injury.  I was in a coma for about 6 months and in hospital for 9 months. I am very adventurous, despite my limited mobility as a result of my head injury. I like coming to Headway because it means I […]